J-Day West

Friday, October 7, 2022
Co-Hosted by Everett Community College and Washington State University, Everett campus

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Keynote Speaker: Zaki Hamid

Zaki Hamid
leads the community engagement department at KUOW Public Radio, whose main goal to is facilitate connections between the various communities of the Puget Sound area and the content division, so that our news coverage is more holistic. A Palestinian immigrant from Jordan, Zaki’s curiosity and passion for community connections have guided him throughout his career. He previously worked as a programs director for the state’s humanities council, Humanities Washington, where he produced public programming across the state. Zaki also had a career in theatre before making the transition to Journalism and community programming. He also teaches mass media at EvCC.


8:30-9:15 am  Check-in at EvCC Whitehorse Hall
9:25-10:15  Session 1 (Choose from a list of presentations by media pros)
10:30-11:20  Session 2 (like session 1)
11:30-12:25  Lunch––Pre-ordered lunch available or bring bag lunch from home
12:35-1:45  Keynote & WJEA Emerald Awards
2-2:45  Optional campus tours of EvCC and WSU