Our Mission
As a professional organization, the WJEA provides support services in the field of scholastic journalism.
The WJEA believes:
* that student publications are an important, vital part of the school curriculum; that is essential to the survival of this country;
* that the student press should be as serious and responsible as the professional press, and toward this end offers many training options for both advisers and students;
* learning basic skills takes on new meaning and urgency when one immediately sees the results so graphically. Added to the basic skills are the invaluable traits of cooperation, punctuality, respect for each other, desire for truth, and self-confidence;
* that no other course of study offers more diversified training;
* that members should dedicate themselves to accomplish these and give
freely of their time and experience; and,
* that our purpose is support a free press in a democratic society. We intend to continue to work with administrators, legislators and members is this respect.