August 11-13, 2025
Please join us in a beautiful place to be inspired and to find a renewed perspective.
Online Registration Form
This will be an opportunity to set or fine-tune individual goals and get feedback from Certified and Master Journalism Educators. If anything on the following list strikes a cord, this retreat will help! Do you…
- need time to work on existing plans and get feedback?
- need new curriculum and resources?
- need to improve your technical skills?
- hope to find new ways to motivate staff?
- hope to clarify your role as adviser?
- need to (better) juggle multiple student media?
- just need a break and some inspiration?
- need some clock hours this summer?
Cost: $675 includes single room and all meals and materials. Register by June 1 for early-bird discount of $25 discount. Commuter rate available for $500 and includes all meals. Returning participants deduct $25.
Final cut-off when capacity is reached or July 15, whichever comes first.
Retreat site: The Palisades Retreat Center at Dumas Bay, bordering Dash Point State Park in Federal Way, Washington. Transportation from/to SeaTac Airport available. Retreat starts at 10 a.m. on Aug. 11 and ends at 4 p.m. on Aug. 13.
Continuing Education OSPI Clock Hours: Up to 10 available at $4 per hour. This will be billed separately.