Join WJEA at Arlington High School on March 9 for a fast-paced day all about what you do in your student media. Rub elbows with media professionals, compete in our Write-Off Contests, and connect with other students and advisers who do what you do from around the state.
Write-Off Contest Sign-Up Link and Rule Book (Updated 2/15/24)
7:30 – 8:50 a.m.
Conference and Write-off check-in
9 – 9:15 a.m.
WJEA Scholarships and Grants announced
9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
Keynote panel presentation
10:30 – 11:45 a.m.
On-site Write-off contests
Critique sessions for digital contest submissions
Q/A with media pros (for those not in Write-off contests or critiques sessions)
11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Lunch: Pre-ordered Baked Potato Bar or lunch from home
Hosted lunch for judges and presenters
12:45 – 1:45 p.m.
Session options for all attendees
2 – 3 p.m.
Session options for all attendees
3:15 – 4:30 p.m.
Presentation of Write-off awards
$15 pp: Student attendees not competing in Write-offs, whose advisers belong to WJEA
Free: Registration for advisers who are current WJEA members and bringing students
$20 pp: Adviser attendees who are not WJEA members and their students
$30 pp: Students attending in person and participating in Write-offs or Critique sessions
$15 pp: Students from schools unable to attend in person, but who are submitting work in digital categories
$12 pp: On-site lunch (pre-orders only): Baked Potato Bar provided by Arlington HS Culinary program
NOTE: Only students whose advisers are current members of WJEA may enter Write-off contests. Advisers, to join or renew your WJEA membership, CLICK HERE or add membership payment on to your conference registration form (available online Jan. 15.)
Feb. 15
• Entry materials for WJEA Scholarships and Grants
• Names of students who will compete in Write-off contests
• Digital Write-off submissions: Layout, photography & broadcast categories
Feb. 23
• Conference registration form with payment or purchase order; non-refundable after this date. Late registration allowed for non-competitors only until March 4
• Submissions due for Team Write-off Project (see attached info)
Click here for information about this exciting new Write-off opportunity! This is the only Write-off with an extended submission deadline of midnight on Feb. 23.
• Conference site chair: Anne Hayman, [email protected]
• Conference registration & payments: Kathy Schrier, [email protected]
• On-site Write-off contests: Casey Henry, [email protected]
• Digital submission Write-off contests: Katherine Miller, [email protected]
• Write-off contest judging: Tom Kaup, [email protected]